2022 Sagar, M.W., Higgs, K.E., Strogen, D.P., Bland, K.J., Browne, G.H. Sediment provenance in the Murchison and Maruia basins, Aotearoa/New Zealand: a record of Neogene strike-slip displacement, convergence, and basement exhumation along the Australian-Pacific plate boundary. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 67, 45-83.
2021 Higgs, K.E., Munday, S., Forbes, A., Kroeger, K.F. Applications of geochemistry and basin modelling in the diagenetic evaluation of Paleocene sandstones, Kupe Field, New Zealand. Journal of Sedimentary Research 91, 1-24.
2021 Higgs, K.E., Funnell, R.H., Browne, G.H. A multidisciplinary study of diagenesis and pore fluid evolution in frontier basins; an example from Canterbury and Great South basins, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology 124, 104817.
2020 Higgs, K.E., Munday, S., Forbes, A., Crouch, E., Sagar, M. A geochemical and biostratigraphic approach to investigating regional changes in sandstone composition through the Paleocene-Eocene, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Geological Magazine 157, 1473-1498.
2019 Higgs, K.E., Browne, G.H., Sahoo, T.R. Reservoir characterisation of syn-rift and post-rift sandstones in frontier basins: An example from the Cretaceous of Canterbury and Great South basins, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology 101, 1-29.
2018 Field, B., Barton, B., Funnell, R., Higgs, K., Nicol, A., Seebeck, H. Managing potential interactions of subsurface resources. Journal of Power and Energy, Special Issue on Underground Technologies 232, 6-11.
2018 Higgs, K.E., Browne, G.H., Howden, A.D. Murihiku rocks as potential petroleum reservoirs in Zealandia. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 61, 1-16.
2018 Higgs, K.E., King, P.R. Sandstone provenance and sediment dispersal in a complex tectonic setting: Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology 372, 112-139.
2018 Strogen, D.P., Higgs, K.E., Griffin, A.G., Morgans, H.E.G. Late Eocene – Early Miocene facies and stratigraphic development, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: the transition to plate boundary tectonics during regional transgression. Geological Magazine 156, 1751-1770.
2017 Higgs, K.E., Crouch, E.M., Raine, J.I. An interdisciplinary approach to reservoir characterisation: an example from the early to middle Eocene Kaimiro Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology 86, 111-139.
2015 Higgs, K.E., Haese, R.R., Golding, S.D., Schacht, U., Watson, M.N. The Pretty Hill Formation as a natural analogue for CO2 storage: an investigation of mineralogical and isotopic changes associated with sandstones exposed to low, intermediate and high CO2 concentrations over geological time. Chemical Geology 399, 36-64.
2015 Higgs, K.E., Arnot, M.J., Brindle, S. Advances in grain size, mineral and pore-scale characterisation of lithic and clay-rich reservoirs. AAPG Bulletin 99, 1315-1348.
2013 Higgs, K.E., Funnell, R.H., Reyes, A.G. Changes in reservoir heterogeneity and quality as a response to high partial pressures of CO2 in a gas reservoir, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology 48, 293-322.
2013 Sykes, R., Volk, H., George, S.C., Ahmed, M., Higgs, K.E., Johansen, P.E., Snowdon, L. Marine influence helps preserve the oil potential of coaly source rocks: Eocene Mangahewa Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Organic Geochemistry 66, 140-163.
2012 Higgs, K.E., King, P.R., Raine, J.I., Sykes, R., Browne, G.H., Crouch, E.M., Baur, J.R. Sequence stratigraphy and controls on reservoir sandstone distribution in an Eocene marginal marine-coastal plain fairway, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology 32, 110-137.
2012 Higgs, K.E., Strogen, D.P., Griffin, A.G., Ilg, B., Arnot, M.J. Reservoirs of the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. GNS Science data series 13a.
2010 Higgs, K.E., Arnot, M.J., Browne, G.H., Kennedy, E.M. Reservoir potential of Late Cretaceous terrestrial to shallow marine sandstones, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Marine and Petroleum Geology 27, 1849-1871.
2009 Higgs, K.E. Opportunities for underground geological storage of CO2 in New Zealand: report CCS-08/6, onshore Taranaki Paleogene reservoirs. GNS Science report 2009/59.
2009 Funnell, R.H., King, P.R., Edbrooke, S.W., Higgs, K.E., Strogen, D.P., Arnot, M.J., Bland, K.J., Field, B.D. Opportunities for underground geological storage of CO2 in New Zealand: report CCS-08/1, Waikato and onshore Taranaki overview. GNS Science report 2009/53.
2009 Archer, R., Arnot, M.J., Higgs, K.E., Williams, B. Opportunities for underground geological storage of CO2 in New Zealand: report CCS-08/8, Taranaki petroleum field simulations. GNS Science report 2009/61.
2007 Higgs, K.E., Zwingmann, H., Reyes, A.G., Funnell, R.H. Diagenesis, porosity evolution, and petroleum emplacement in tight gas reservoirs, Taranaki Basin. New Zealand. Journal of Sedimentary Research 77, 1003-1025.
2005 Browne, G.H., King, P., Higgs, K.E., Slatt, R. Grain‐size characteristics for distinguishing basin floor fan and slope fan depositional settings: Outcrop and subsurface examples from the late Miocene Mount Messenger Formation, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 48, 213-227.